Teacher’s Brain

10 Inspiring New Year’s Resolution Ideasand Activities for Students

Hey friend! Can you believe it’s that time again – the transition from one year to the next? Have you been thinking about New Year resolution ideas? I know I have! I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can make the upcoming year special for our kiddos. You know, sprinkle in a little magic and set the stage for growth. 

new year's resolution ideas for kids

So, I thought, why not get our students excited about some New Year’s resolutions? If you’ve been looking for the perfect New Year activities for kids or New Year activities for students, you’re in the right place. Let’s help them stride into the New Year with purpose and a sprinkle of fun.

What is the best New Year’s resolution for kids? Here are some ideas to get you started! 

Read More Books

Encourage a love for reading by setting a goal for the number of books to read in the upcoming year. Create a reading log or a fun book tracker where students can mark off each book they complete.

Practice Kindness

Foster a caring and supportive classroom environment by encouraging students to set resolutions focused on kindness. Whether it’s helping a classmate, being a good listener, or performing random acts of kindness, these resolutions contribute to a positive classroom culture.

Healthy Habits

Teach the importance of physical well-being by setting resolutions related to health. This could include goals like eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, or engaging in regular physical activity.

Organize Schoolwork

Help students develop valuable organizational skills by setting resolutions related to their school materials. Whether it’s keeping a tidy desk, organizing their backpack, or turning in assignments on time, these resolutions promote responsibility.

Learn Something New

Encourage a love for continuous learning by having students set resolutions to acquire new skills or knowledge. This could involve learning a musical instrument, mastering a new language, or exploring a particular subject in-depth.

Mindful Moments

Introduce the practice of mindfulness by encouraging students to set resolutions focused on being present and self-aware. Simple activities like deep breathing exercises or short moments of reflection can make a big difference in promoting a positive mindset.

Goal-setting Galore

Teach the importance of setting achievable goals. Have students break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. This not only helps in achieving success but also instills a sense of accomplishment.

Family Bonding

Foster strong family connections by encouraging resolutions centered around spending quality time with loved ones. Whether it’s a weekly family game night, cooking together, or sharing stories, these resolutions strengthen family ties.

Environmental Stewardship

Instill a sense of responsibility for the environment by setting resolutions related to sustainability. This could involve reducing waste, recycling, or participating in a community clean-up project.

Gratitude Journaling

Foster a positive outlook by encouraging students to keep a gratitude journal. Have them write down one thing they are thankful for each day. This simple practice can enhance their overall well-being and perspective on life.

If you’re looking or New Year activities for students that you can easily do with little to no prep, I have you covered! 

Check Out This New Year’s Resolution Writing Craft

new year's ideas for kids

Are you looking for a New Year’s writing activity to help students understand resolutions and goals? This NO PREP activity is great to use in both boy and girl versions to create goals for the new year and an easy bulletin board!

What is in the download?

  • a vocabulary poster for the word /RESOLUTION/
  • 3 Boy Options
  • 5 Girl Options
  • 1 Blank head to create your own (add a face and hair)
  • 4 different writing prompt pages (With and without hands on the side, Primary and Intermediate lined)
  • 2 Rough Drafts (Primary and Intermediate lined)
new year's resolution ideas for kids

Looking for more New Year fun? Check out my post here!