Teacher’s Brain

Spring Teaching Ideas for Kindergarten and First Grade

Springtime is one of my favorite times of the year to teach! Flowers bloom, everything is new, sun shining, and engaging resources.  I use lots of spring themed lessons including Easter activities. My all time favorite thing to do, is to step away from the curriculum, just a little and teach poetry! Students really learn to love literature when they see how much fun they can have with words!

Spring also means new plants and flowers are in the process of growing.  Students have a blast learning all about plant parts, dissecting the plants, germinating their own seeds and more in this 3 week Plant Unit.

I also use Spring Worksheets with my kindergarten students that are themed in all subject areas!  This creates a connection across the curriculum areas.  The printables also meet most state standards in reading, writing, math, and science.

Of course celebrating springtime would not be the same without some fun spring and Easter activities in the classroom for our students! Students get creative with art supplies making butterfly glasses, bunny headbands, jellybean math, and life cycle books.  Whatever you do with your students, make sure you are having fun right a long with them! Happy SPRING!


Spring and Easter Crafts and Activities that ROCK the Classroom!

Springtime is so much fun for students. It’s a time to celebrate change, colors and happiness. In my classroom, I always enjoy ordering caterpillars for the students to see them emerge into beautiful butterflies. The excitement from the students is priceless! Students send in jelly beans, and we learn math by sorting, counting, classifying and graphing the beans. Then they get to eat or take the jelly beans home. Another great spring activity that is gaining popularity in our area, is painting positive messages on rocks and hiding them around the campus for other students to find. Students really get into the activity, and it’s easy to get some other classrooms to participate in the fun. You can integrate science, writing, math and reading in this “Kindness” unit. Whatever you decide to do to make the season with your class special and memorable, make sure it’s so fun that the kids are blinded by the rigor of the assignment! Happy Spring!
Below are some links to useful printables: