Me On The Map: Easy Ways To Teach Geography

Teaching kids about geography is a great way to introduce them to the world around them. It’s also a useful tool in helping them become more aware of the world and how it works.

geography activities

So how do you make geography fun for students?

Play games

Geography lessons can be fun and engaging when they’re set up as games. Take advantage of this by checking out some free games online to get students engaged. World Geography Games is a great option! 

Read books together

Reading books together is another great way to introduce kids to new topics — especially if they’re illustrated with maps or photos that can help bring the story alive in their minds. 

A great book to include is “A Ticket Around The World” You can also find many more titles at local libraries or online at websites like Amazon. 

Use maps and globes.

Maps and globes are a great way to get kids interested in the topic and they’re also an easy way to teach them about the subject. Maps are colorful, so children will enjoy looking at them, and they show how things are related to each other spatially, which is something children need to understand when learning about this subject.

Do some hands-on geography activities

Looking for some geography activities for kindergarten or first grade?

You’re in the right place! I created this geography resource for kindergarten and first grade students to make the subject fun and engaging!

geography activities

 It includes 9 weeks of lesson plans covering positional words, landforms, bodies of water, cardinal directions, maps, globes, personal information, and seasonal weather changes. It has crafts, interactive notebook pages, posters, ME ON THE MAP flip book, and a Write the Room Activity.

It’s everything you need to cover your geography unit! Check it out here. 

For some more fun ideas for early elementary, check out my post here!

What are your favorite geography activities for elementary students? Let me know in the comments!

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