Teacher’s Brain

The Best Classroom Management Ideas

Let’s talk about behavior management systems! These are obviously vital in any elementary classroom for various reasons. When our students first start school, they don’t know much about what to expect and what is expected of them.

Without behavior management strategies, what would the average elementary classroom look like? We would probably see a lot of interruptions, crying, jumping, playing, messes, etc. 

 We have to teach students how to behave in school like everything else we do. With elementary kids, you need to explain it, show it, and reinforce it for them to catch on. 

The lack of a solid classroom management system will add dramatically to your stress levels. A solid classroom management system will yield amazing results if done consistently. 

So how do you set up a good classroom management system? 

There are some general things that any teacher should be doing. The basics include modeling the behavior you want to see, listing your rules in an easy to find location, praising your students for doing well, and setting classroom goals to work towards.

There are also more specific classroom management systems.

These include color coded systems, clipping up or down, sticker charts, etc. 

My favorite, hands down, is the Blurt Beans Strategy! 

This one is particularly great for students who like to blurt out during lessons. This helps students understand why they shouldn’t interrupt class and gives them a visual for how they are doing. 

classroom management

You just need some clear jars (so students can see inside), beans (any type!), and my blurt beans printables.  

There are two options for using this system

 Option 1:  Put 5 blurt beans on each student’s desk. If they have a name tag, I tell them to keep them on their name tag or in the pencil groove. In addition, they are responsible for their beans. Beans found on the floor get added to the Blurt Bean Jar. When students blurt out you, another student or the student must put a bean back in the Blurt Bean Jar.

Option 2:  This one is a more sanitary option.  You control the beans. Provide a small cup or container to hold 5 beans for each student and you or one student who will be the Bean Monitor will remove beans when a student blurts out.

At the end of the day, students will get to empty leftover beans into the second jar. You will label it (like in the photo above) with class rewards. When they reach the line, they get the reward! 

This is a great visual for students to see how they are doing. You can also add extra Cool Beans when the whole class does well on something. 

Distance learning this year? You can still use Blurt Beans! The resource includes Google Slides that make doing this virtually easy.

classroom management

This resource also comes with extras like the Daily Blurt Chart, No Blurt Certificate, A Blurt Hurt Red Alert, writing prompts, a Blurt Journal, and more! 

For more information on how to use Blurt Beans in your classroom, check out my post here. 

This is such a fun and unique classroom management system. Your students will love it!

classroom management