Teacher’s Brain

Surviving the School Year

My job is to help make planning a SNAP!

I know a lot of you have been busy with hurricane clean up, fires, flooding, and more.  It has been a crazy start to the school year for a lot of you.  I personally just finished cleaning up from Irma. Now is the time to show students how we bounce back quickly from disasters and/or help others in need who were less fortunate.  To help you with your year, I have a few resources I made free for a limited time, and a SURVIVAL KIT for KINDERGARTEN teachers for  a super low price to help your year run smooth. BE SURE to scroll down to get the FREEBIES.

If you want to know when products are 1/2 off, please follow my store by clicking the green follow button found HERE. 

Free Happy Birthday Hat

What kid doesn’t want to feel special on their birthday?  Treat them with this birthday hat. (Free for 48 Hours)

One last thing…

This is good for any teacher who is having trouble with tattling in their classroom.  The best part is that I made it FREE for 48 hours.  Hurry and get yours, so your year with be smooth with teaching students the difference between tattling and telling! #lifesaver

NEW RESOURCES to check out:
Author’s Purpose FLIP BOOK
OCTOBER Writing Prompts (JOURNAL)
Constitution Day Flip Book/Activity
3 Week Lesson Plans – ENERGY K-1

3 Week Lesson Plans – What is a Scientist, The Scientific Method, Science TOOLS K-1
Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions Assessment – YEARLONG K-3


Happy to help.

If you need help, have a request, or find any errors in products you have purchased, I am here for you!  Unlike big textbook publishers, I can tailor products to meet your needs in most cases. Contact me at cindy@teachersbrain.com


Hurricane Kindness (with a side of coffee)

So after driving 10 hours to evacuate from the hurricane, we wanted or NEEDED a Starbucks coffee . We were in Perry, GA, I think. We went out of our way to find the only one for miles. I walk into a beautiful store. My mouth anticipating Pumpkin Spice. Our noses smelling the aromas of fresh brews. Only to be greeted by a smiling employee who explained nicely that I had entered a forbidden zone. ?They were hosting a private event. My face quickly showed my heartache. The area manager came over to see what the problem was. I explained my disappointment. Tom took time to find out why we were traveling. He told me that the store was new, and hasn’t even opened to the public yet. He directed other managers and employees to take care of my whole family for free. They all wished us safe travels. The coffee helped get us to the next destination. Thank you Tom! Thank you Starbucks for your hospitality and generosity! #starbucks #TomRocks #AwesomeCompany #kindness


TEACHERS!!!!  Labor Day is a day we want to THANK YOU with a *****GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY*****  We have teamed up with other talented teacher authors to give away 2 AMAZING prizes to 2 LUCKY teachers!  The prizes are $100.00 to Teachers Pay Teachers, and $100 to Amazon!!!

Also, many of the stores you can follow are holding big sales this week, so visit their stores. See Below to sign up:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

******The more stores you follow in the Rafflecopter, the better your chances are of winning!*********

This giveaway ends Sat. September 9th at 12:00 PM EST and our TWO lucky winners will be announced on Sunday, the 10th and contacted.


Several of these author’s stores will be holding sales on Labor Day as well! Check them out. My store, Teacher’s Brain, will be 20% off for ONE DAY ONLY, Labor Day! Yes, even BUNDLES will be on sale!

Celebrating The Great American Solar Eclipse

I know today is such an exciting day with children! They get to witness The Great American Solar Eclipse! My daughter has texted me three times trying to get me to pick her up early because “No one else is in school Mom!” Don’t worry! If you didn’t get a chance to experience the real thing with your NASA approved glasses, you can still make the eclipse a great “hook” for a lesson! Students can learn about he motion of the earth, and moon as they travel around the sun. Here is a simple and effective way for free to teach them the rotation. Get a ball to represent the moon, a globe, and a flashlight to represent the sun. Turn off the lights. Have the student who is the “SUN” with the flashlight, shine it on the globe. Next, have the ball, “moon” rotate around the sun slowly, blocking the sun from the earth. Ask questions here to generate thinking. “What do you think the moon looks like? Where is the shadow?”  Then, for older kids, have the earth rotate around the sun with the moon still rotating around the earth. They will get a good understanding of the rotation from this activity. You can do this with printable hats as well.

You can spend the whole week learning about shadows, rotation, gravity and more! Use this week unit on the solar eclipse to captivate your students all week. It’s a great opportunity to really hook your students into developing a love for science with this Great American Solar Eclipse, so use it.  After all, it’s been 99 years since the last one! Get the students involved in celebrating their PLACE in SPACE!

Solar Eclipse 2017 Activities WEEK LESSON PLAN with Crafts and Home Connection