Teacher’s Brain

5 Classroom Management Tips for Back To School Time

It’s that exciting time of the year again – back to school! 

Are you ready? 

I know we’re all eager to create a warm and productive classroom environment where our young learners can thrive, and one way to make that happen is with an effective classroom management system. 

classroom management

What is a classroom management system? 

A classroom management system is a set of strategies and techniques that we can  use to create a positive and organized learning environment. It encompasses a range of practices, from setting clear behavioral expectations and routines to fostering strong teacher-student relationships. 

This system empowers us teachers to effectively manage student behavior, encourage active engagement, and promote a conducive atmosphere for learning and growth.

If you’re looking for some rockin’ classroom management system tips for elementary, you’re in the right place! 

So, let’s dive into some tips and ideas for effective classroom management that have worked wonders for me over the years.

Tip 1: Set Clear Expectations

Start the school year by discussing and establishing clear expectations with your students. Let them know what behaviors are acceptable in the classroom and what the consequences might be for breaking those rules. Keep these expectations simple, age-appropriate, and positively framed. It’s like setting the compass for your class journey!

Tip 2: Create a Fun and Organized Physical Environment

A classroom that’s inviting and organized can do wonders for managing behavior. Use colorful decorations, student artwork, and interactive displays to make the space engaging. Arrange desks and seating to minimize distractions and encourage interaction. Don’t forget to designate specific areas for materials and supplies – it helps keep chaos at bay.

Tip 3: Use Positive Reinforcement

Celebrate your students’ achievements and good behavior with praise, rewards, or simple gestures like stickers or high-fives. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in motivating them to follow your classroom rules. It’s like sprinkling a bit of magic encouragement to keep their spirits high!

Tip 4: Implement Routines and Procedures

Kids thrive on routine, so establish consistent daily routines and procedures. From entering the classroom to transitioning between subjects, having predictable steps can help minimize disruptions. Remember, routines aren’t about rigidity; they’re like the rhythm that keeps your classroom orchestra in tune!

Tip 5: Foster a Strong Teacher-Student Relationship

Building a positive rapport with your students can make a world of difference in classroom management. Get to know them, show genuine interest in their lives, and listen actively when they talk. When students feel valued and understood, they’re more likely to respect and cooperate with you. Think of it as nurturing a garden of trust and connection.

Looking for the perfect classroom management system? I have you covered with this free Desk Pet Starter Pack Resource!

Need a great way to help your class improve daily behavior? Desk Pets are great for helping with classroom management! Try these FREE printables to help you begin your Desk Pet Pal Positive Behavior System Journey!

classroom management system

What is in this download?

Pg. 1 Cover

Pg. 2 Link Page to Full Resource

Pg. 3 What is a desk pet?

Pg. 4 Adoption Application EDITABLE PowerPoint

Pg. 5 Labels (Adoption Center and Hotel)

Pg. 6 Editable Page to create Writing Prompt or other Idea

Pg. 7 Zoo Habitat for a Pet

Pg. 8 How to Fold the Habitat

Pg. 9 Other Resources

Pg. 10 Credits

Get it for free here!

Looking for more classroom management tips? Check out my post here!