Teacher’s Brain

Strategies for Teaching Comprehension

As if teaching the basics of reading is not enough, you are responsible for teaching the most important skill of reading… comprehension.  So your students can read.  GREAT! But, if they can’t understand what they read… Huston, we have a problem.  I always wondered when I would see posts that say, “If you can read this, thank a teacher” how many people can’t read it?  How many can read it, but still don’t understand what it means?  While looking at ways to improve your literacy instruction, try these 5 strategies to improve reading comprehension.

  1.  Activate Prior Knowledge
  2.  Questioning
  3. Analyzing Text Stucture
  4. Visualization
  5. Summarizing

When you use these five strategies, students will begin to comprehend naturally.  Activating prior knowledge is one of my favorite ways to engage students in reading.  Research has shown that comprehension improves when students are engaged.  What better way to engage students than to bridge their old knowledge with new knowledge? For example, if we are going to read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, I might ask students to share stories of when they saw a caterpillar or when they felt really hungry.  You will notice that when one student shares a story, they usually all do.  That should not irritate you.  When students are all wanting to share their prior knowledge, YOU GOT THEM!

Of course improving vocabulary skills, fluency, phonics and phonemic awareness are ALL pieces to the puzzle when it comes to comprehension.  Teaching reading can be complex with all the skills needed to be competent readers. Using the five strategies suggested is a great way to ensure students are comprehending what they read.

Narrative, History, Dream, Tell, Fairy Tales, Book

Here are some free reading passages with questions for you to enjoy.


Primary Teacher Challenge

Do you like free resources?  Do you love to see what other teachers are doing in their classroom, but can’t because you are busy teaching?  Well, I have something fun for you! Go check out my Facebook Page.  Pinned at the top is the video (same video as below) of me explaining how to win free resources by simply sharing one of your fantastic lessons with the rest of us by snapping a quick picture and adding it to comment section with a sentence.  Go check it out to discover the criteria I’m looking for, and hopefully see some other teacher’s lessons for inspiration.  I can’t wait to see what you all are doing with the kiddos!

Kindergarten Teachers Ready

I’ve taught Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade in my 20 years of teaching.  The most rewarding, yet CHALLENGING grade level in my opinion, is Kindergarten.  You know you are a kindergarten teacher if you can’t pass up the $ bins at Target, find yourself in love with the Dollar General, answer to “Teacher, Teacher!” or if you are unfazed by people tapping you in inappropriate places to get your attention.  Great kindergarten teachers also know how precious time is when it comes to teaching students the rigorous requirements needed in today’s classrooms.  We have to be flexible to be there when they have accidents, need help tying a shoe or having that unexpected meeting with a parent who didn’t read the newsletter.  Kindergarten teachers have to multitask.  So with that in mind, I decided to bundle ten of my MUST HAVE Back to School Resources into one cheap bundle to help my kindersisters (or kinderbros) out.

Check it out!

I picked 10 of my BEST resources for getting started BACK TO SCHOOL in Kindergarten! Some of these I swear, I could not survive without the past couple of years. This will save you TIME and MONEY!!!! Thank you for being a kindergarten teacher! You are the foundation of the future!

What will YOU get in this ZIP Download?


YEARLONG Morning Work for Kindergarten with Sight Word Practice

Vocabulary Kindergarten – 3rd YEARLONG Reading Blocks Program

Kindergarten HOMEWORK for the YEAR


TOOL KIT for the Beginning of the YEAR (name tags, sign in sheets, passes and more)

Word Wall Printables – Laminate and use with Dry Erase Markers

Numbers and Cardinality with Numbers 1-10


The Kissing Hand HOME CONNECTION Project

Rules for the CLASSROOM Posters and Behavior Contract

LOOK AT EACH LINK to see more details of what you will get!

I want to help you feel FREE in your FREE time!

Woman, Happiness, Sunrise, Silhouette, Dress, Beach


Back To School NEW Kindergarten Teacher SURVIVAL PACK


TEACHER Giveaway BETTER Life Bag and $100 TpT Gift Card

I’ve teamed up with some great teacher authors to bring you this great giveaway raffle! Thank you for all the follows and trusting my resources. We are ready to give away 2 AMAZING prizes to 2 lucky teachers! A $200 Better Life Bag Gift Card (custom with a cause beautiful bags) and a $100 gift card to Teachers Pay Teachers! There are 12 different ways to win. See below. Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway